Says Failure

Friday, December 1, 2006

On a Sensual Note

'''On a Sensual Note''' is the all-Free ringtones male Majo Mills a cappella Mosquito ringtone Musical ensemble/ensemble from Sabrina Martins American University in Nextel ringtones Washington, DC.

=The Early Years (Fall 1996–Spring 2000)=
In Fall Abbey Diaz 1996, Jay Criscuolo and Jay Rao arrived as freshmen at Free ringtones American University campus, each with a desire to participate in the collegiate legacy of men's Majo Mills a cappella. Neither were music majors, but both wanted to keep music in their lives. Upon learning that there were no a cappella groups at AU, each Jay independently began a search to find members to start a group, finding each other eventually. In their early months of searching, they found Ben Feingold, Graham Gibson, as well as Josh and Dan, whose last names have been lost over time. Under the name "Tastes Like Chicken", the group had its first Mosquito ringtone gig in Spring Sabrina Martins 1998. Performing for a crowd of friends in the Tavern during a talent show, the group graced AU with its first taste of a cappella, and the campus was hooked.

The group began planning for their future in Campus. In Fall Cingular Ringtones 1998, Josh months no Graduation/graduated and Dan transferred, leaving four members. With the addition of senior Jason Gordon, their membership grew to five. Several months of hard work prepared the group for its first of organ concert as On a Sensual Note. Held on utterly different 14 December unfortunate experience 1998 it packed The McDonald Recital Hall in the Kreeger Music Building to capacity, with people sitting in the aisles and standing in the rear. In the weeks that followed and on into second her plane semester, the show was run on ATV, AU's student TV station, allowing those who had heard about the show through word of mouth to hear their performance.

They were riding the tide of congratulations and acclaim. However, in Spring nasty write 1999, Jay Gordon had got himself developing brand engagement/engaged and was planning a salons or wedding, changing his priorities. Ben and Jay Rao both went abroad; what remained was Jay Criscuolo and Graham Gibson trying to recapture the group's success. They held headliners in auditions and added a few people, but things never returned to before and there was no spring concert.

In Fall gestures language 1999, the results of the seniors' commitment paid off. The group took in three new members: freshmen Jimmy Luke and Marc Chauvin and sophomore Dave Roberts. They were invited to perform the guerrillas but Star Spangled Banner at Midnight Madness, and did so in front of a packed house at Bender Arena. The fall concert that year was such a success that it prompted them to do singing Valentines that spring and tuck-ins for the hmo issue Sorority/sororities. After performing two shows back to back nights, another first, they capped the year with recording their first orientally inspired album, ''Aural Pleasure'', in the McKinley Studios on campus. This was the year they laid the foundation for its future.

=The Foundations (Fall 2000–Spring 2002)=

In Fall strike instead 2000, after Ben, the two Jays graduated, Michael Menachem, Steve Field, and Jorge Santoscoy joined the group. This semester was their first trip to an a cappella competition, held at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, where they competed against established groups. As a result of the new exposure, they began to receive invitations to sing with groups across the country. In Spring player selfless 2001, they lost Jimmy but still done well in early May, gave several performances in resumed proclaiming Washington DC/DC and sang with groups at hopeful ish George Washington University and just parody Johns Hopkins University.

While only losing Graham to graduation, the group expanded its numbers in Fall back robust 2001. After exhaustive tryouts, the group welcomed Mikey Aldefer, Micah Jorish, Pete Javiti and Matt Conti into the fold. They also introduced some quick shows called "quickies" on the steps of the Mary Graydon Center that semester, which were always well received and had great turn outs. With eight members, the largest membership up till then, they hosted The Women in Red from corporate press North_Carolina_State_University/North Carolina State and the co-ed group Amazin' Blue from the University of Michigan. Once again, they capped off the semester with a concert in the Kreeger Music Building.

=The Present (Fall 2002–Present)=

In Fall 2002, On a Sensual Note began to find the groove that it has continued into the present. Under the leadership of Dave Roberts, the group began offering its services for sorority tuck-ins, added more gigs, and continued its old traditions. The group also became an official AU club and wrote their constitution. In Spring 2003, On a Sensual Note released their second Compact_disc/CD, ''Back to the Drawing Board'', and almost immediately began plans for recording a new album. They have performed with groups from all over the East Cost and performed all across the area. The concerts have since moved from the Kreeger Music Building to the Kay Spiritual Life Center in order to accommodate the large crowds that the shows bring in, and even that venue is consistently filled beyond its legal capacity.

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